4 Plantar Fasciitis Stretches To Ease Pain

4 Plantar Fasciitis Stretches To Ease Pain

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Plantar Fascia is the connective tissue that covers the sole of the foot connecting the toes to the heel and give support to the arch of the foot. This fascia absorbs a lot of shock while we walk and move, which can cause it to become inflamed when irritated. When inflammation is present along with an ache or shooting pain in the sole of the foot this is the condition called Plantar Fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis can affect anyone but it common for 3 types of people

  • People that par-take in durational exercise. Such as runners, dancers, basketball players & tennis players.
  • Older athletes.
  • People who are over weight or obese.Suddenly increasing your level of physical activity can cause the condition to flare up as well as over-stretching or partial tearing of the fascia, so always be cautious when stretching with an injury. Take it slow and don’t pushing yourself too far.

    Stretches You Can Do at Home To Relieve Pain & Inflammation

1.Kneeling Fascia Stretch

This exercise helps to stretch out the plantar fascia that cover the sole of the foot. By stretching the fascia it helps to relieve the irritation plantar fasciitis causes to your foot and heel by reducing the pull the fascia has on the calcaneus (heel bone).

2. Achilles Stretch

This exercise helps to stretch out the Achilles’ tendon at the heel. Chronic plantar fasciitis responds well to a lengthening of the calf as when the Achilles’ tendon is looser it takes some pressure off the heel bone. This is a great preventative stretch for the condition as well as a great stretch to ease the pain.

3. Towel Pull

This exercise is a combination stretch, targeting both the calf muscles & the plantar fascia. This is a great warm up stretch for anyone who is prone to Plantar Fasciitis such as runners.

4. Self massage

The number one way to relieve pain is to massage the sole of the foot. Using a frozen orange is one tool you can use, as the cold will also help to ease the inflammation. If in the acute phase any deep pressure should be avoided. Apply ice and rest!

Alternatively you can go see your local sports therapist to get a deep tissue massage & advice on how you can treat it at home.

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